Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 39 Inner wheelhouse 2 / Tail section 1

Today Travis got right to work on finishing the patching for the passenger side (see previous post). He did have cut a bit of the fender out of the way so he could access both sides of the wheelhouse.

I began work on the rear tail section. I removed the lower valance by using a spot weld drill bit. I pre drilled the holes with a 1/8” bit, while this proved to be much faster, the pilot hole was too big so the bit would move around while trying to drill. This left for somewhat of a messy removal. I would not suggest this tactic if you plan on keeping either panel. I, fortunately, am replacing both so it doesn’t really matter. After the panel was removed I found some pretty serious rust damage on the rear frame on either side. I will have to figure out what I am going to do about this before I can move forward.

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