Thursday, April 01, 2010

Day 23 (Shocks & Lines and one stubborn wheel)

Today Grant and Lenny stopped by and gave me a hand with a few things. Thank god they did, because I ran into a pretty serious problem that could only be solved by having all 3 of us there. It started out easy enough, Grant removed some left over rear trim, while Lenny and I started working on the removing the steering gear. Grant was successful in removing his part, Lenny and I, well, not so lucky. We decided to leave the steering gear alone and tackle the shocks.
I decided it would be a lot easier to remove the shocks if we removed the wheels first. In attempting to remove the passenger front wheel we had a small issue. Grant kept turning on the one lug nut and it just kept turning without loosening. We tried to tighten it, same thing. It just kept turning. This meant that the stud that was pressed through the axle plate was stripped. Also since there was no way to get behind said stud, we were stuck.
We tried pulling on it, pushing on it, turning the wheel each way. Then a Hail Mary idea, if we put tension on the wheel equally pulling in the direction of removing the wheel, we should be able to cause enough tension on the stud to make it to grab on the interior of the axle plate. With Grant on one side and me on the other we wedged crowbars between the wheel and the drum brake hub and pried for dear life while Lenny used the tire iron to turn the lug nut. After about 2 mins, we found some success. It was another 20+ minutes to get the rest of the lug nut off and subsequently the wheel and I then removed the bad stud.
After this colossal battle we got back to work, the shocks were removed as well as the brake lines, Grant cut out the manual/parking brake cable. The fuel line was removed along with some really old fuel that was still in the line. As matter of fact I think it’s starting to make me a bit woozy…. *WAM*.

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